I had just got out the pool and told my daughter not to stay in the water because I needed to take a shower. She assures me she is fine and not to fret...she's not a baby anymore. After I get out of the shower, I look out the window and don't see her.
I call her name to see if she is in her room...no answer. I open the door, don't see her. Glean the bottom of the pool...empty. My heart races, my mind in ten seconds has more horrible thoughts than most mothers would ever even fathom. Now, mind you, I am wrapped in a towel and ready to sprint through the neighborhood this way if necessary. Yes, I am not very practical at times.
I decide I should put on something more than a towel while I call her cell. Ummm. She is in the garage measuring something for her dad...he was at Lowe's and needed measurements for something. I shake my head at myself and laugh.
You know you are a social worker when....
Your daughter is not in the pool and immediately she has been kidnapped in your mind.
Your head itches and you are sure you have head lice.
You always check the mattress for bugs before you lay on it when you travel.
You never open the door without looking through the peep hole.
You wouldn't let your children go anywhere with anyone without a background check first.
On another level....
You know you're a social worker when....
You see hope in the eyes of the hopeless and that is enough to make your entire career worthwhile.
You have more room in your heart than in your home....if only you could bring them all home.
You always look for the good in people....everyone has strengths to build on.
You never say never because there is always a way.
You believe in change and want to be the agent to bring it about.
You know when you are cussed out, it really means I am stressed and thankful for your help.
You don't let emotions drive decisions.
You believe in moving mountains to help someone you have never met before.
You wouldn't trade your career for anything in the world!
Love being a social worker!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Random thought for today...
Friends...the thought of friends always makes me think of the song Friends are Friends Forever....some of you have heard me break out and sing that song.
Someone asked me, "what is a true friend?" -- my answer.
Friends are people who are with you no matter what.
They don't judge you.
They don't use you.
They don't snub you.
They don't ignore you.
They don't mind you.
They do love you unconditionally.
They do care about you.
They do want to be around you.
They do share your passions.
They get your jokes.
They laugh even when they don't.
They forgive you.
They know you.
Yet, they still love you.
They may disappear for a while.
But they always come back.
Some friendships are seasonal.
Others last a lifetime.
I am thankful for my friends!
John 15:12-15 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Out with the Old...In with the New...Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
This is my old kitchen table. I have had it for ten years. I loved it for years...then it began to show wear. It had nicks on it, some scratches not to mention a few homework answers where the kids wrote too hard. It had developed sentimental value. I wanted a change but lost interest after a little while. This summer I decided I should get a new table. I shopped around, and I found a piece I loved. I almost purchased it until a friend said, "Why not paint this one? It is perfectly fine-it just needs a little touch up." I decided to go for it.
I am a contractors daughter BTW but other than that, not a creative person. Thus, I was introduced to Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. No prep work just brush that paint on and it will stick!
No prep work...I can do that...here are the results....
Old White Annie Sloan Paint
Now to clear wax it....
Now, the regret sets in and I have a brain freeze. I did not want white...I thought this was going to be cream. So I quit. A friend comes over (isn't it great to have friends to cheer you on?). She says I am too far in to it to quit (no I am not, that nice table is still available at the furniture store). But, I decide to move forward and add Dark Wax.
Here are the results....
Happy again, I decide to move forward and paint the table.
This is Coco Annie Sloan Paint.
I add some Dark Wax and decide I am pleased so I paint the base to match the chairs.
Beyond the fact that I learned Annie Sloan paint is easy to use and the wax is the hardest part, I learned some spiritual lessons. My mind is always thinking what lesson do you have in this for me Lord. I use to love using those lessons when I taught Sunday School, now they teach me and I share them with you!
I thought my old table was unworthy and ready to be trashed. It was used up, marked up, and gave me a dreary feeling when I looked at it. Wow. That is what sin does to our lives. It consumes us and makes us think we are unworthy. Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. However, when God looks at us, he sees purity because Jesus Christ washes away that sin and purifies our souls. Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He makes us white as snow...like my chairs.
God never gives up on us. He knows we will make mistakes, we are a sinful being but His forgiveness leaves us grace filled. Beings created to bring hope to this world. Romans 3:24 ... and we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
When I looked at my black table, that is all I saw, a black table. Now, when the blinds are open, I see so much more. The table does not draw my eye to it like the black one did. It simply is just the beginning of my perspective when I look in that direction. I see the birds, the pool, God's creation. I hardly notice the table. May we be like that to others. Not someone hard to be with but someone who draws others eyes to Christ. A light in darkness. 1 Corinthians 10: 31 says "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
What a blessing to realize we are created purposefully by our God to bring glory and honor to Him. Live each day knowing He has a purpose for you today.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Scammers and Temptations...A Spiritual Lesson
I have spent the last week pondering how this happened....(being scammed that is--check out my last two blogs if you are not sure what I am talking about). As I have reflected, many spiritual lessons have come to mind.
One thing I have not mentioned is that I got the IRS scam call recently. I immediately shut the caller down. I knew I did not owe the IRS money. The difference was this scammer -- maybe just from pure coincidence -- happened upon something I was not 100 percent sure of. Maybe I had been mailed a summons for Grand Jury. I was certain I had not seen such summons but could not be confident it did not get lost in the mail or tossed in the junk mail pile. I won't rehash the details of the what ifs vs what actually did happen but I will give it another spin.
The scammer, like Satan, caused me to doubt something. He used fear as a tactic to get my guard down and wa-la---I was hooked. I began to doubt my instincts and to some degree ignored my better judgement.
Satan is just like this. He does not tempt us with something he is 100 percent sure we would never fall for. He dangles a carrot we might actually eat...meaning he tempts us with sin that is more appealing to us based on our own weaknesses or is more plausible for us to fall for. He then hooks you so that you are not clearly in tune to God given discernment.
I shared on my last post how to be prepared for the scammer...now, let's talk about how to be prepared for something much worse -- a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15
The word speaks for itself. Satan does not start with blatant temptations you are not likely to fall for. He disguises himself in other ways. The scammer convinced me he was a trusting law enforcement officer. It was much later that he revealed his darkness. Satan does the same thing. We all know the story of Adam & Eve in the garden...the apple seemed innocent enough.
How are you going to watch out?
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. This means to be keenly aware of your surroundings. Don't allow your mind to be influenced by people or things that are not godly and wholesome. To be alert, you have to know what you are looking for. You can only be in tune to what is godly and wholesome if you are reading God's word and communicating with Him. Thus, prayer and daily Bible reading are essential.
One thing I have not mentioned is that I got the IRS scam call recently. I immediately shut the caller down. I knew I did not owe the IRS money. The difference was this scammer -- maybe just from pure coincidence -- happened upon something I was not 100 percent sure of. Maybe I had been mailed a summons for Grand Jury. I was certain I had not seen such summons but could not be confident it did not get lost in the mail or tossed in the junk mail pile. I won't rehash the details of the what ifs vs what actually did happen but I will give it another spin.
The scammer, like Satan, caused me to doubt something. He used fear as a tactic to get my guard down and wa-la---I was hooked. I began to doubt my instincts and to some degree ignored my better judgement.
Satan is just like this. He does not tempt us with something he is 100 percent sure we would never fall for. He dangles a carrot we might actually eat...meaning he tempts us with sin that is more appealing to us based on our own weaknesses or is more plausible for us to fall for. He then hooks you so that you are not clearly in tune to God given discernment.
I shared on my last post how to be prepared for the scammer...now, let's talk about how to be prepared for something much worse -- a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15
The word speaks for itself. Satan does not start with blatant temptations you are not likely to fall for. He disguises himself in other ways. The scammer convinced me he was a trusting law enforcement officer. It was much later that he revealed his darkness. Satan does the same thing. We all know the story of Adam & Eve in the garden...the apple seemed innocent enough.
How are you going to watch out?
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. This means to be keenly aware of your surroundings. Don't allow your mind to be influenced by people or things that are not godly and wholesome. To be alert, you have to know what you are looking for. You can only be in tune to what is godly and wholesome if you are reading God's word and communicating with Him. Thus, prayer and daily Bible reading are essential.
Be mindful of who you are looking for....he is not in a red cape or all black attire. He is disguised as a lion. Prowling around seeking whom he may devour. He is lurking in the background of your life waiting for the opportunity to jump. Like a lion who longs to satisfy his hunger, Satan has no regret when he attacks. The exact opposite, he is roaring with satisfaction.
As Christians, we are to be vigilantly aware but not fearful. We are not weak but are to be strong in Christ Jesus our Lord.
For he (GOD) will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
This is an exert from a passage in Psalms I cherish...read it, it will satisfy the longings of your soul; stand firm in who you are as a Christian. Oh, and when you fall to the tempter (you will, you are human), get back up and remember you serve a mighty God, let that define you, not one poor choice.
Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation.”
Friday, July 10, 2015
Why I Couldn't Let the Scammer Win....
If you read my earlier blog "I was 'held captive" for two hours and scammed out of $1500," this is the rest of the story...
I won't recap that story but you can visit the post before this one if you didn't see it earlier. I remained appalled that after 20 years of social work experience and as much involvement with law enforcement that I would become a victim so easily. But, we all know I did. As soon as I had my ah-ha moment I knew I had to come up fighting.
My personality is that of a fighter. I never quit. I always fight for right. I tell others we do what's right even when it's hard to do. I guess I should have been preaching to the choir aka myself. So at the moment I realized I had been "hoodwinked" I knew it was not time to quit.
I went in to overdrive. I won't bore you with the details but I will say with the power and spunk of the Tasmanian Devil I started trying to protect myself.
I won't recap that story but you can visit the post before this one if you didn't see it earlier. I remained appalled that after 20 years of social work experience and as much involvement with law enforcement that I would become a victim so easily. But, we all know I did. As soon as I had my ah-ha moment I knew I had to come up fighting.
My personality is that of a fighter. I never quit. I always fight for right. I tell others we do what's right even when it's hard to do. I guess I should have been preaching to the choir aka myself. So at the moment I realized I had been "hoodwinked" I knew it was not time to quit.
I went in to overdrive. I won't bore you with the details but I will say with the power and spunk of the Tasmanian Devil I started trying to protect myself.
I found out this morning that I had been able to get back $999 of the $1,500 I was scammed out of. I reported the case to law enforcement to attempt to find the scammers and to attempt to get the rest of my money back. That is their job and I will let them do it.
I found some satisfaction that I had out scammed the scammer and retrieved some of the money. I know I still lost some but I am getting my money's worth out of it. I have had over 5,000 hits on my blog and spoke about it on the morning drive yesterday with Chris Beckham to reach hundreds or thousands more.
I don't need (or want) the attention but I did need to make sure other people do not fall prey to this. I needed people to understand it is so much more than a call asking for personal information but a ploy to get in your head and cause you to do something you would never dream of. Remember my trust in law enforcement was used as a way to get me to "drive to the sheriffs department" to write a statement. Only after my "departure" did the manipulation begin.
I have spoken to dozens of people who called me after this to tell me they were in the process of being scammed or had been scammed. Seven people called me the next day and said they received the same call that day some of which were ready to hand over money because it was so convincing. Another person told of having a spouse purchasing cards before they realized it was a scam. The awareness from the sheriffs office and my blog stopped these people from falling victim to this. Mission accomplished. People understood and could reflect on what I had written.
Knowledge is powerful. I am thankful I could pass the knowledge on.
What to do?
1. If someone claims to be law enforcement -- even if you think you know them -- remember he gave me a name of a true law enforcement officer --- hang up, call 911. If they are legit, they won't fault you for verifying.
2. If someone tells you they have your address & they are coming to your home, be safe not sorry. Call 911.
3. Trust your instincts. Remember I had that "this doesn't feel right" kind of feeling more than once but doubted myself.
4. Never give your location to anyone. I allowed the impostor to convince me I had to share where I was since I was "turning myself in." I could have been abducted anywhere along the route. Scarier thought than losing money.
5. Remember knowledge is power so if you make a mistake let others learn from it. Scammers aka criminals want you to feel embarrassed or afraid so you will not issue a warning. Don't let them control you.
My blog has always been just a way for me to share my story, a way to share insights. It does not meet most ELA rules. Its title Romans 8:28 Living was derived from that verse..."and we know all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." How could I consider letting this not be used for good? Shouting it from the rooftops to help others protect themselves and those they love. It doesn't just happen to elderly (which is truly what many of you were thinking)-- it could happen to you, be ready to rock if it does!
You are now armed with the knowledge of how to protect yourself.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
I was "held captive" for two hours and robbed of $1500--BEWARE OF SCAM
I am the most skeptical person you will meet. I question almost everything and analyze most things from all angles. This being said, I am still in shock that I fell prey to this scam.
I was threatened with jail, accused of missing grand jury duty, and manipulated by one skilled con artist.
It was 4:40pm when I received a call that a bench warrant had been issued for my arrest. This was allegedly issued because I missed grand jury summons on June 23rd. I was told if I hung up the phone, I would be interfering with an arrest and jailed for the night. I was told I was being "done a favor" to keep this off my record since I had a clean criminal record, therefore, if I produced $1,500 and brought it to the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, I would get to go home tonight.
I protested and asked for the deputies name and sergeants name. I was given legitimate names of officers I knew by name. I told the deputy I was not comfortable with this conversation and insisted on speaking to someone else. Another person, posing as a Captain, gave me a name of an officer that I also knew of by name through my work. When I resisted stating I had worked with the sheriffs department for 20 years and I wanted to speak with the sheriff, I was told if I disconnected the call, I would be arrested and spend the night in jail.
When I protested and said I had not been served jury duty, the alleged captain told me I could come to the sheriffs department and write a statement as such but I must present the $1,500 or go to jail for the night. I argued that you can't wait until 5:00 pm to call someone and expect them to produce that much money. He said he will walk me through how to get Reloadit Cards so I can go home to my family tonight.
Multiple times I asked for confirmation, he mentioned other officers names I knew, he referenced judges who I told him I had cell number to so I would call them to verify; impostor said he had worked with the sheriff (whom he called by name) for so many years. He told me if I attempted to call any of them he would not release my warrant which he was in complete control of and have me in jail for the night. I said I have a right to an attorney etc. He told me if I wanted to call people, I could come there and he would let me spend the night in jail. He knew my address. I still tried to call a judge I knew. No answer. The "captain" called back said deputies were en route. I hung up, called my husband. "Captain" calls back.
I hesitated but then decided if he is telling me to come to the jail with the money, what do I have to lose? I would go get the cards and go to the sheriffs department. I was not being asked for any personal information or anything. He knew my address, knew names of officers I knew, threatened me with jail, accused me of trying to use my connections to avoid consequences for which he would make me spend the night in jail. I caved.
I was told my calls were being recorded, I had a limited amount of time to get to the sheriffs department, I could not use a bondsman because of the time of day. I was threatened if I sent a text or tried to call anyone else, I would be interfering with my arrest which would be another charge.
I went to Winn Dixie. I bought the cards. They only come in $500 increments. I was told I had to stay on the phone. I was told if I mentioned to anyone at Winn Dixie why I was buying the cards, I would not be allowed to purchase them so I would not have the money to get out of jail so I again would spend the night in jail. At 5:20pm, I buy the first card. I got disconnected. He called back immediately and told me I was trying him and he was about to refuse to drop the warrant. I bought card number 2. I then was told by the cashier I was not able to buy the third card because of limits. Alleged officer tells me to walk to my car. He tells me to read him the card numbers to include a private scratch off serial number. I hesitate, tell him this does not feel right. I tell him it feels like a scam. He tells me I am going to be arrested...a deputy would be on the way....this was protocol.
I am sure it is part of their intention. I am nervous at this point, not thinking as clearly as I normally do. Therefore, my guard is down. I have been "held hostage" on the phone for an hour at this point.
I drive to the sheriffs department. I tell him I am in your parking lot and state if you want this, come outside and get it. He tells me I am trying him. If I contact any officer or come in without the money, I will be arrested. I hesitate. I pray. I determine in my mind, I can't spend the night in jail. I decide the worst thing that can happen to me is I lose the money which I came to terms was better than sitting in jail for the night. I would take my risk.
I give him a false serial number. He tells me it is wrong and he is beginning not to trust me (hello!). He tells me to go to the bank and get the other card. He asks me to give him the serial numbers. I tell him I am driving and cannot. He threatens me. I cave and give him one. I pretend not to find the second one. I am threatened continuously with jail time. Mind you the entire time, he is answering a radio, answers another call stating Lowndes County when he answers the phone. He talks to officers by name who I know to be legit names. He talks on the radio using Valdosta addresses as if he is talking to other deputies on the radio. He tells me over and over again names of the clerk, judges, officers and basically dares me to hang up unless I want to be arrested.
I return and get the third card. I begin to get scared. I am scared of a scam, but I honestly was more scared of going to jail. I give him the cards. He then tells me there are technical difficulties so I can go home but I must stay on the phone to him for 45 minute since I have an active arrest warrant. I must mail him the receipts where I bought the cards. He gives me the name of someone to send them to at the clerks office. I go to Dollar General which is close. I mute him. I ask to use the phone. I call a detective I know who says I have been scammed. I return to Winn Dixie. It is too late. Nothing I can do. I come home and hold for almost four hours with Reload it who opens a scam case.
I am savvy enough to open a reload it account online rapidly and attempt to outsmart the scammer. I think I grabbed the last two cards back before he cashed them out. I am waiting to see. IF that is the case, I am out $500. If not, I am out $1,500.
I am warning you because this felt real. I work with the sheriffs department all the time at work and I fell for this. I have multiple judges cell numbers in my phone. I have the sheriffs cell number. I know the detectives and have their numbers. I drove to the sheriffs department and let him scare me in to not going inside!!! Yet, I FELL FOR THIS! It scares me who else will. Thus, I warn you. The cell number was 229-206-8660. It said Sylvester, GA on my phone. I googled it, and the number is out of Worth County. I am sure it is a burner and there may be nothing that can be done but I can warn you. BEWARE!
I felt like I was a prisoner on the phone for two hours. I believed I could not hang up. I am shocked at myself. I am embarrassed on so many levels but I knew I needed to share to protect others. This consumed SIX hours of my time by the time I got on the phone to Reloadit. It is as much a mind game as it is anything else. I NEVER believed I would allow something like this to happen or that I would be able to be manipulated! Therefore, don't say I would never let something like this happen to me. Believe me, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you!
In the beginning of this call, I would never have agreed to give a serial number or any personal information. They know this. They spent two hours playing with my mind and emotions so that my guard was down and I would fall prey to this. Never say never. You will eat those words---and that will be the most expensive meal you ever have.
I believe there is a reason for everything so I knew I could not just sit over here embarrassed and not tell people because of my pride. I knew I must need to warn someone. I am on a mission to find out who did this but even more so to keep anyone else from falling for this.
I was threatened with jail, accused of missing grand jury duty, and manipulated by one skilled con artist.
It was 4:40pm when I received a call that a bench warrant had been issued for my arrest. This was allegedly issued because I missed grand jury summons on June 23rd. I was told if I hung up the phone, I would be interfering with an arrest and jailed for the night. I was told I was being "done a favor" to keep this off my record since I had a clean criminal record, therefore, if I produced $1,500 and brought it to the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, I would get to go home tonight.
I protested and asked for the deputies name and sergeants name. I was given legitimate names of officers I knew by name. I told the deputy I was not comfortable with this conversation and insisted on speaking to someone else. Another person, posing as a Captain, gave me a name of an officer that I also knew of by name through my work. When I resisted stating I had worked with the sheriffs department for 20 years and I wanted to speak with the sheriff, I was told if I disconnected the call, I would be arrested and spend the night in jail.
When I protested and said I had not been served jury duty, the alleged captain told me I could come to the sheriffs department and write a statement as such but I must present the $1,500 or go to jail for the night. I argued that you can't wait until 5:00 pm to call someone and expect them to produce that much money. He said he will walk me through how to get Reloadit Cards so I can go home to my family tonight.
Multiple times I asked for confirmation, he mentioned other officers names I knew, he referenced judges who I told him I had cell number to so I would call them to verify; impostor said he had worked with the sheriff (whom he called by name) for so many years. He told me if I attempted to call any of them he would not release my warrant which he was in complete control of and have me in jail for the night. I said I have a right to an attorney etc. He told me if I wanted to call people, I could come there and he would let me spend the night in jail. He knew my address. I still tried to call a judge I knew. No answer. The "captain" called back said deputies were en route. I hung up, called my husband. "Captain" calls back.
I hesitated but then decided if he is telling me to come to the jail with the money, what do I have to lose? I would go get the cards and go to the sheriffs department. I was not being asked for any personal information or anything. He knew my address, knew names of officers I knew, threatened me with jail, accused me of trying to use my connections to avoid consequences for which he would make me spend the night in jail. I caved.
I was told my calls were being recorded, I had a limited amount of time to get to the sheriffs department, I could not use a bondsman because of the time of day. I was threatened if I sent a text or tried to call anyone else, I would be interfering with my arrest which would be another charge.
I went to Winn Dixie. I bought the cards. They only come in $500 increments. I was told I had to stay on the phone. I was told if I mentioned to anyone at Winn Dixie why I was buying the cards, I would not be allowed to purchase them so I would not have the money to get out of jail so I again would spend the night in jail. At 5:20pm, I buy the first card. I got disconnected. He called back immediately and told me I was trying him and he was about to refuse to drop the warrant. I bought card number 2. I then was told by the cashier I was not able to buy the third card because of limits. Alleged officer tells me to walk to my car. He tells me to read him the card numbers to include a private scratch off serial number. I hesitate, tell him this does not feel right. I tell him it feels like a scam. He tells me I am going to be arrested...a deputy would be on the way....this was protocol.
I am sure it is part of their intention. I am nervous at this point, not thinking as clearly as I normally do. Therefore, my guard is down. I have been "held hostage" on the phone for an hour at this point.
I drive to the sheriffs department. I tell him I am in your parking lot and state if you want this, come outside and get it. He tells me I am trying him. If I contact any officer or come in without the money, I will be arrested. I hesitate. I pray. I determine in my mind, I can't spend the night in jail. I decide the worst thing that can happen to me is I lose the money which I came to terms was better than sitting in jail for the night. I would take my risk.
I give him a false serial number. He tells me it is wrong and he is beginning not to trust me (hello!). He tells me to go to the bank and get the other card. He asks me to give him the serial numbers. I tell him I am driving and cannot. He threatens me. I cave and give him one. I pretend not to find the second one. I am threatened continuously with jail time. Mind you the entire time, he is answering a radio, answers another call stating Lowndes County when he answers the phone. He talks to officers by name who I know to be legit names. He talks on the radio using Valdosta addresses as if he is talking to other deputies on the radio. He tells me over and over again names of the clerk, judges, officers and basically dares me to hang up unless I want to be arrested.
I return and get the third card. I begin to get scared. I am scared of a scam, but I honestly was more scared of going to jail. I give him the cards. He then tells me there are technical difficulties so I can go home but I must stay on the phone to him for 45 minute since I have an active arrest warrant. I must mail him the receipts where I bought the cards. He gives me the name of someone to send them to at the clerks office. I go to Dollar General which is close. I mute him. I ask to use the phone. I call a detective I know who says I have been scammed. I return to Winn Dixie. It is too late. Nothing I can do. I come home and hold for almost four hours with Reload it who opens a scam case.
I am savvy enough to open a reload it account online rapidly and attempt to outsmart the scammer. I think I grabbed the last two cards back before he cashed them out. I am waiting to see. IF that is the case, I am out $500. If not, I am out $1,500.
I am warning you because this felt real. I work with the sheriffs department all the time at work and I fell for this. I have multiple judges cell numbers in my phone. I have the sheriffs cell number. I know the detectives and have their numbers. I drove to the sheriffs department and let him scare me in to not going inside!!! Yet, I FELL FOR THIS! It scares me who else will. Thus, I warn you. The cell number was 229-206-8660. It said Sylvester, GA on my phone. I googled it, and the number is out of Worth County. I am sure it is a burner and there may be nothing that can be done but I can warn you. BEWARE!
I felt like I was a prisoner on the phone for two hours. I believed I could not hang up. I am shocked at myself. I am embarrassed on so many levels but I knew I needed to share to protect others. This consumed SIX hours of my time by the time I got on the phone to Reloadit. It is as much a mind game as it is anything else. I NEVER believed I would allow something like this to happen or that I would be able to be manipulated! Therefore, don't say I would never let something like this happen to me. Believe me, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you!
In the beginning of this call, I would never have agreed to give a serial number or any personal information. They know this. They spent two hours playing with my mind and emotions so that my guard was down and I would fall prey to this. Never say never. You will eat those words---and that will be the most expensive meal you ever have.
I believe there is a reason for everything so I knew I could not just sit over here embarrassed and not tell people because of my pride. I knew I must need to warn someone. I am on a mission to find out who did this but even more so to keep anyone else from falling for this.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Baseball Clay---How do I get those pants white as snow? Is there a spiritual lesson in this?
Dirt...my son has that nick name for a reason...since pictures speak louder than words, I will let these pictures explain it---

We play baseball all out, no holds barred. As a baseball mom, I would never say don't get dirty...instead I find a formula to work. I have been asked many times how I get these pants white again, so here is my formula! I realize this is all over the internet in various versions but just in case you have a need to know, here is my version!
As soon as possible, I soak these in Iron Out...the powder formula only ($13 on Amazon). I put the pants in a sink in my laundry room, pour about a cup or so of this over the pants, run luke warm water over the pants, and I let them soak. I usually leave them over night.
After I drain the sink, if there are darker spots left, I wet the end of my fels naphtha bar ($1 at Walmart), and I scrub that spot with the bar of soap. I don't always do this but if we have played REAL hard, I add this in for good measure.
I then spray the spots remaining with a mixture I keep in a spray bottle. I add half blue Dawn Ultra to half hydrogen peroxide. I keep this in my laundry room marked Ball Pants Only.
After theses steps, I wash the pants, alone, on white cycle. I do make sure not to wash in hot water. I do warm/cold just to avoid any stains setting in if something does not come out. You can use any good detergent with stain fighting properties. I will admit I also have a home made laundry detergent I often use but any detergent works.
The outcome...
I know it seems like lots of effort but it really is little effort...soaking, a little rubbing, spraying, and washing...the results are worth it!
We all know I find spiritual applications in most things, so it should come as no surprise that washing pants is no different!
White as snow...that is how Jesus washes our souls. Like these pants, our lives are often covered in impurities because "we live all out"...we have imperfections because Jesus is the only one to live on earth perfectly.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
The glory is Jesus paid a ransom for our sins because He knew we are born sinful.
But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
When we repent of our sins, he washes us white as snow.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
He soaks us in his goodness and glory so the impurities are gone.
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.....For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Romans 10:9-10, 13
We are purified so we can glorify our Lord and Savior. May we remember that we are saturated by the Holy Spirit in our lives and may we clothe ourselves with dignity exemplifying whose we are. This does not mean we won't sin or make mistakes but it does mean forgiveness is available through Jesus Christ.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here. 2 Corinthians 5:17
We are sinners saved by grace washed as white as snow. May the old be gone and all things new shine through. Claim it, live it and shine bright like a diamond for our Savior and King!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Nobody Better....A batters lesson to all of us!
My son loves baseball...we play school ball and off season we play travel ball. I love to watch these boys play. Yes, I love to see them win, but mostly I love to see the passion they have for the game and to watch friendships grow on and off the field. One thing you would know if you ever go to a game with me is I yell "loud and proud" for those boys....my boy, his teammates and wait for it---the other teams boys. After all, these games are about more than a win or a loss. They should be about building character, growing friendships, teaching work ethic, and keeping them out of trouble! Not to diminish my passion to win but I realize win or lose life goes on...but the rest of the lessons learned, we remember for life.
Last weekend, we were playing in a tournament. As I mentioned, I had a cheer for each boy as they batted. Suddenly, a parent behind me started laughing at me (ok, nothing new, I laugh at myself regularly). He said, "Sandra, you have said 'nobody better' the last four batters." I looked at him and laughed at myself. Quick witted, I said, "well, in that moment, at that point in the line up there is nobody better." I went on to justify my comment with that batter is what we have to work with at that moment so there is nobody better in that moment in time -- those pitches were formed for them because nobody could take their place...no matter what was thrown at them it was meant for them in that moment to do with what they could. I continued with "nobody better" until we ended that game.
What a life lesson! In whatever moment God has placed you, there is no one better. There is no one God formed for that position other than you. Whatever curve ball is coming your way, there is no body better to face off with it. If it doesn't come at you just like you thought it should, God knew you needed to wait on something better. If you strike out, God doesn't want you to give up. If it comes easy and you get a walk, God needs you moving for a reason. If it's perfect and you knock it out of the park, God wanted you to shine to glorify Him. So whatever you are facing today, stay in the batters box. Keep your head down on it, wait on it and when it's your pitch, take it. God has nobody better in that moment than you!
Jeremiah 29:11-13 tells us God has a plan for our life, to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future, not to harm us...God wants us to glorify Him in the good times and during our struggles. In Exodus 35:30-35, Moses talks to Israel about what skills God has given them which were for His glory. Maybe you have never heard of Bezalel and Oholiab but in that moment in time there was nobody better to begin to build the tabernacle.
Whatever God has blessed you with, benefit God's kingdom with it. Don't underestimate why God has you where you are in this season of your life. There is NOBODY BETTER! And when you get that walk off, we will celebrate with you because at that moment in time, there is nobody better!
Monday, January 12, 2015
Four C's of a Relationship with Christ
Sandra Wit her....well, that is the name that randomly started appearing on emails sent from my phone recently. You can imagine the jokes that ensued and the hashtags I started receiving from my clowning co-workers. "U either wit her or u against her," they said. "We wit you." #Inotagainstyou #Iwityou
What I didn't realize is when my work phone was set up, my name autocorrected to Wit you. Once again, we can be humored by almost anything.
Ah, the spiritual lessons I gleaned from this. We are either Wit God or we are against God. Oh, I desire to be "with" Him. I believe that's all of our hearts desires, to be close to Jesus, to shine gloriously bright for Him. So, how do we do this?
To be with someone, you have to be compassionate, connected, committed, and able to communicate. Let's look at these from a spiritual context.
The C's of a Realtionship
1. Compassionate:
To be in a meaningful relationship, you have to know the other persons mind-set and be passionately committed to the relationship. As a Christian, we must know why we believe what we believe and be passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
2. Connected:
We find time for relationships that are important to us. As Christians, we will spend time in God's word and rid ourselves of things that interfere with that relationship.
Psalms 119:105 - Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
3. Commitment:
We have an unwavering commitment to those we love and are connected to. We stick by them through thick and then. Nothing can break that tie. Such is the case as a Christian. Jesus died for our sins and committed to forgive us for our sins. In turn, we commit our lives to Him at the point of salvation. We are not to let anything get in the way of that relationship.
1John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
4. Communication:
We spend time talking, texting, tweeting those we love the most. We don't let time go by without communicating. We complete each others sentences and know the good, the bad and the ugly...yet we still love. Oh, so much more, we should communicate with God. Pray without ceasing, seeking Him first in all we do.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
May we be more compassionate, connected, committed and communicative with Christ than ever before!
What I didn't realize is when my work phone was set up, my name autocorrected to Wit you. Once again, we can be humored by almost anything.
Ah, the spiritual lessons I gleaned from this. We are either Wit God or we are against God. Oh, I desire to be "with" Him. I believe that's all of our hearts desires, to be close to Jesus, to shine gloriously bright for Him. So, how do we do this?
To be with someone, you have to be compassionate, connected, committed, and able to communicate. Let's look at these from a spiritual context.
The C's of a Realtionship
1. Compassionate:
To be in a meaningful relationship, you have to know the other persons mind-set and be passionately committed to the relationship. As a Christian, we must know why we believe what we believe and be passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
2. Connected:
We find time for relationships that are important to us. As Christians, we will spend time in God's word and rid ourselves of things that interfere with that relationship.
Psalms 119:105 - Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
3. Commitment:
We have an unwavering commitment to those we love and are connected to. We stick by them through thick and then. Nothing can break that tie. Such is the case as a Christian. Jesus died for our sins and committed to forgive us for our sins. In turn, we commit our lives to Him at the point of salvation. We are not to let anything get in the way of that relationship.
1John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
4. Communication:
We spend time talking, texting, tweeting those we love the most. We don't let time go by without communicating. We complete each others sentences and know the good, the bad and the ugly...yet we still love. Oh, so much more, we should communicate with God. Pray without ceasing, seeking Him first in all we do.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
May we be more compassionate, connected, committed and communicative with Christ than ever before!
Four C's of a Relationship With Christ
Sandra Wit her....well, that is the name that randomly started appearing on emails sent from my phone recently. You can imagine the jokes that ensued and the hashtags I started receiving from my clowning co-workers. "U either wit her or u against her," they said. "We wit you." #Inotagainstyou #Iwityou
What I didn't realize is when my work phone was set up, my name autocorrected to Wit you. Once again, we can be humored by almost anything.
Ah, the spiritual lessons I gleaned from this. We are either Wit God or we are against God. Oh, I desire to be "with" Him. I believe that's all of our hearts desires, to be close to Jesus, to shine gloriously bright for Him. So, how do we do this?
To be with someone, you have to be compassionate, connected, committed, and able to communicate. Let's look at these from a spiritual context.
The C's of a Realtionship
1. Compassionate:
To be in a meaningful relationship, you have to know the other persons mind-set and be passionately committed to the relationship. As a Christian, we must know why we believe what we believe and be passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
2. Connected:
We find time for relationships that are important to us. As Christians, we will spend time in God's word and rid ourselves of things that interfere with that relationship.
Psalms 119:105 - Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
3. Commitment:
We have an unwavering commitment to those we love and are connected to. We stick by them through thick and then. Nothing can break that tie. Such is the case as a Christian. Jesus died for our sins and committed to forgive us for our sins. In turn, we commit our lives to Him at the point of salvation. We are not to let anything get in the way of that relationship.
1John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
4. Communication:
We spend time talking, texting, tweeting those we love the most. We don't let time go by without communicating. We complete each others sentences and know the good, the bad and the ugly...yet we still love. Oh, so much more, we should communicate with God. Pray without ceasing, seeking Him first in all we do.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
May we be more compassionate, connected, committed and communicative with Christ than ever before!
What I didn't realize is when my work phone was set up, my name autocorrected to Wit you. Once again, we can be humored by almost anything.
Ah, the spiritual lessons I gleaned from this. We are either Wit God or we are against God. Oh, I desire to be "with" Him. I believe that's all of our hearts desires, to be close to Jesus, to shine gloriously bright for Him. So, how do we do this?
To be with someone, you have to be compassionate, connected, committed, and able to communicate. Let's look at these from a spiritual context.
The C's of a Realtionship
1. Compassionate:
To be in a meaningful relationship, you have to know the other persons mind-set and be passionately committed to the relationship. As a Christian, we must know why we believe what we believe and be passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
2. Connected:
We find time for relationships that are important to us. As Christians, we will spend time in God's word and rid ourselves of things that interfere with that relationship.
Psalms 119:105 - Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
3. Commitment:
We have an unwavering commitment to those we love and are connected to. We stick by them through thick and then. Nothing can break that tie. Such is the case as a Christian. Jesus died for our sins and committed to forgive us for our sins. In turn, we commit our lives to Him at the point of salvation. We are not to let anything get in the way of that relationship.
1John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.
4. Communication:
We spend time talking, texting, tweeting those we love the most. We don't let time go by without communicating. We complete each others sentences and know the good, the bad and the ugly...yet we still love. Oh, so much more, we should communicate with God. Pray without ceasing, seeking Him first in all we do.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
May we be more compassionate, connected, committed and communicative with Christ than ever before!
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